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Thursday December 16, 2004
Another state rep signs on to Senator Hart's bill
A reader emailed to tell us that he had talked to his local rep, and then emailed us what his rep sent to him:
Thank you for your e-mail on oursourcing of state jobs. Most of us were surprised to learn of the extent of that outsourcing. I am a co-sponsor of Senator Hart's bill and will do what I can to make sure it becomes law.
I have not read Chairman Parente's bill but will review it.
Best wishes,
Frank I. Smizik 15th Norfolk District
Have you talk to your local reps yet???????
05:25 am
Thursday December 16, 2004
posted by gmminks
Saturday December 11, 2004
Representative Parente co-sponsors the Hart Bill
Remember when we asked that you talk to your State Senators and Representatives, and ask that they co-sponsor Senator Hart's Bill that would ban companies to get state contracts if they plan on outsourcing the work?
Well, I asked my Representative, Marie Parente, to co-sign this bill, and she has. She also emailed me about another bill that she has filed:
Additionally, I have filed a new bill, "An act relative to establishing a special commission to study the use of off-shore labor in state contracts". It establishes a special commission to study the effects of off-shore outsourcing of jobs on the commonwealth and its residents and possible legislation to address and mitigate the effects of off-shoe outsourcing and to govern contracts between the commonwealth and its vendors. The commission will study: the use of off-shore labor by vendors under state contracts; use of off-shore labor by private and public employees in the commonwealth; economic impact to the commonwealth of contracting with vendors using off-shore labor; security issues; economic impact and extent of job loss in the commonealth due to off-shore outsourcing of jobs; economic sectors most affected by off-shore outsourcing of jobs, etc.
Talk to your elected officials!
08:55 am
Saturday December 11, 2004
posted by gmminks
BofA bringing back 300 jobs to New England
after they axed 2900 jobs in Massachusetts.
whoop-ta-friggin-de-do. What a bunch of sheisters!
I love this part of the how BofA is doing the honorable thing....
The bank this year eliminated about 2,900 positions across the region as it consolidated operations, but it has added back about 1,100, including call center jobs in Rhode Island and executive jobs in Boston.
The bank plans to add back the rest of the 1,800 jobs over the next two years, Mahoney said. Possible ways to add spots include new call centers or processing centers, more expansion of the bank's wealth management division, or moving one or two of the bank's smaller lines of business to Boston.
Ok, the wages in RI are WAY lower than in Boston. What are people laid off in MA supposed to do, commute to RI?
And anyways, alot of the people laid off were in professional positions....they are replacing almost 3,000 professional bankers with call center employees?
The BofA spinmeisters have big balls to spin their wicked ways like this and expect people in MA to love them.
If you had a bank at Fleet, do the right thing....MOVE IT. Don't bank with BofA!
08:43 am
posted by gmminks
Thursday December 2, 2004
Anti-Outsourcing Bill - Extension to get sponsors
From Lou Finfer at the Organizing and Leadership Training Center:
I wrote you recently about the bill to ban outsourcing of work on state contracts in Massachusetts.
This bill was filed by Senator Jack Hart (D-Boston).
Because of a legislative change, state senators can sign on as co-sponsors of the bill until December 29 and state representatives can sign on until December 15 or maybe even 12/29.
**So you have additional time to contact your state representative and state senator about being a co-sponsor of this legislation.
You can tell your state representative or state senator that they can contact Rosemary Powers at (617) 722-1150 at Senator Hart's office about signing on to the bill.
Please let me know any legislators who agree to be co-sponsors.
Thanks, Lew Finfer (617) 470-2912
10:10 am
Thursday December 2, 2004
posted by rickrob
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