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Sunday July 31, 2005
Strike in India
On Thursday in Gurgaon there was a bandh (short, general strike). The BPOs made sure their people were there to answer our phone calls by changing the shifts they work [working longer hours], and having their people sleep over in the office.
The strike was called by AITUC. It was called in response to striking workers at a Honda plant. One report claimed:
Television footage on Monday showed bleeding workers being dragged by their feet and policemen kicking and punching men lying inert on the pavement.
The workers had been seeking to submit an appeal to district officials demanding the reinstatement of sacked employees when the violence erupted on Monday and continued on Tuesday.
Home Minister Shivraj Patil told parliament 92 workers were hurt when police baton-charged hundreds of people. via
But don't worry....all those folks taking care of our data got to work through the night, just in case they wouldn't be able to make it into work becuase of the all-hands strike.
We have changed shift timings to ensure that employees are within the company premises before any possible trouble erupts in the region, said Ashish Gupta, chief operation officer, Evalueserve. Some companies are using private taxis from Delhi to save their employees from getting stranded in the area, others are making their late night shift staff to stay the entire night to avoid any confrontation with miscreants. It is in the interest of employees that they do not venture out in the night. Arrangements for their stay have been made by the company, said Vipul Doshi, chief executive officer, Interglobe Technologies.
According to this AsiaTimes article, the BPO industry in Gurgaon itself is expected to lose $1.6 million from Thursday's strike. So, they had to make those people work triple shifts and stay at work. They were doing it for their clients.
How can anyone look at how workers are treated in India and say that outsourcing is good for everyone? It is so clear that the main draw to sending work offshore is cheap, compliant labor.
09:10 pm
Sunday July 31, 2005
posted by gmminks
Terrible floods in Mumbai, India
Almost 1,000 people have been killed.
They had to turn off all power to the city because they were afraid of people getting electrocuted.. What kind of infrastructure exists in the cities that process all of the world's information?
The call centers that did have electricity made their employees work three shifts. I am sure they were giving great customer service! (that was sarcasm, in case you missed that).
08:39 pm
posted by gmminks
Hey, it's been awhile...but I couldn't resist this CAFTA quote from the head of the ITAA.........
Harris Miller says the following about CAFTA:
Lauding it for making "one less brick in the wall between U.S. businesses and a truly open, global marketplace," Harris Miller, president of the Information Technology Association of America, said the agreement sets a good example for promoting open markets in other parts of the world
Isn't it weird he says it's one less brick it the wall? All I could think of when I read this quote was Pink Floyd....
from Another Brick in the Wall Part 3
(Roger Waters) I don't need no arms around me And I don't need no drugs to calm me. I have seen the writing on the wall. Don't think I need anything at all. No! Don't think I'll need anything at all. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. All in all you were all just bricks in the wall.
and from Hey You
(Roger Waters) But it was only fantasy. The wall was too high, as you can see. No matter how he tried, he could not break free. And the worms ate into his brain. Hey you, out there on the road Always doing what you're told, can you help me? Hey you, out there beyond the wall, Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me? Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all Together we stand, divided we fall.
08:10 pm
posted by gmminks
Saturday July 30, 2005
Interview Advice
25 Hardest Interview questions (and how to answer them)
08:59 pm
Saturday July 30, 2005
posted by gmminks
Friday July 29, 2005
Happy sysadmin day everyone
05:26 pm
Friday July 29, 2005
posted by gmminks
Thursday July 28, 2005
CAFTA passed the house
last night. It had already passed the Senate.
God help us all.
05:16 am
Thursday July 28, 2005
posted by gmminks
Wednesday July 27, 2005
What about the kids?
5 percent children living in the US live with jobless parents
06:37 am
Wednesday July 27, 2005
posted by gmminks
Nasscom Prez Speaks
Highlights from the interview::
- What about the BPO backlash? Are there signs that the struggle against offshoring is easing off?
It is quite clear that the overall climate is better. The West is more positive in discussions on moving people and work offshore. Nasscom is also aiming for a visa regime which is ideal in some senses: A regime without refusals. It doesnt make sense for the US to refuse visas to Indian engineers who must do some work there. Even if the arrangement is delivered in a different form, and struck bilaterally with the US, it should ease travel restrictions.
[He keeps re-tooling the response to the H1-B visa issue....and what the heck is "a regime without refusals"? He expects the US to say `y'all come on in` to everyone, without regard for our own people?]
- Has the government done all it could to support IT and BPO, or are there areas which still need attention?
On the supply side, we continue to face HR problems. There are not enough people with the right skill sets and desperate companies are picking up people and training them. In six months, they are lost to poaching, causing severe problems like the spiraling wage rate.
Only better education, bolstered by government, will solve the problem.
Two other concerns are over information security and the breadth and scope of new investments. But new issues keep cropping up. Like the concern over software code being stolen. If stolen software costs 1/5th the original price in India, no foreign or Indian company will want to invest in R&D here. IP protection needs to be stringent and the government can facilitate this.
- After the two recent information breaches in Bangalore and Delhi, will big offshore contracts keep coming to India?
It is possible that individual offshoring destinations will become much more competitive (against India) after the recent incidents. Already, anti-BPO legislations are being re-introduced in the US as work should not go out of the US because data should not go out of the US. We say information security is an industry issue, not a country issue. And we want tighter security norms so that the West finds data is more secure in India than anywhere else in the world.
Millions of bank and credit card details were stolen in the US recently, inviting scarcely a flutter, so the Wests concerns are still laregly political
[It must be a cultural difference...the fact that NASSCOM can't understand why privacy is so important to most Americans.]
06:24 am
posted by gmminks
Monday July 25, 2005
I called the body shop with the Illegal Job ad
I talked to someone at Acogent, the people who sent me the illegal job ad.
I asked Amit, the guy who answered the phone, why they were asking for people's birthdates in the job ad. He said that they are compiling lists of candidates for their clients, and that one of the fields in the database is for birthdate.
But he also told me that sending in your birthdate was not a requirement.
whew that eases my mind.
But I have to wonder, if they have a field in their database for birthdate, what other information are they sorting candidates by? Gender? Nationality?
Creepy all in all if you ask me.
05:33 pm
Monday July 25, 2005
posted by gmminks
Heard Back from the EEOC
They told me I can't file a discrimination charge just because someone asked me for my age in telling me about a position. I would have to apply, interview, and be denied, and then I could file a complaint (if I was over 40).
Basically, I was told they have not done anything discriminitory.
But they did suggest I call the State's Attornery General's Labor Relation Board.
I'll do that tomorrow (I worked all night last night...sigh). I'll post what happens.
05:13 pm
posted by gmminks
Friday July 22, 2005
Are you a Java programmer?
Do you need a job?
This position is for a company in the San Francisco area, but they are willing to hire you from anywhere.
Read on...
Nabble is looking for a Java programmer. Compensation will be performance-based. We are a small self-funded startup, so we can offer more equity than usual to employees. You will work from home, so you must be self-directed. This is a permanent position could be either full-time or part-time.
Our programming philosophy is to keep things as simple as possible and to use technology to accomplish goals, not for its own sake. We currently use Java, MySQL, Jetty, Lucene, BeanShell, and log4j. We have not yet seen a need for EJB or other application frameworks, or XML.
To apply, please send your resume and the solution to Nextag's programming problem . Please do not apply without solving the problem. This is the second time this ad is being posted because we did not receive the correct solution from any interested applicants. So if you do solve the problem, there is a very good chance that we will make you an offer.
09:44 pm
Friday July 22, 2005
posted by gmminks
If Congress upped the number of H1B visas for this year, and no one is taking them, why is India crying to the WTO to force the US to abolish all limits to the visas?
Techonrati Tag: h1b
05:33 am
posted by gmminks
Wednesday July 20, 2005
I may need help complaining about the illegal job ad
I am researching the laws concerning that illegal job ad I was sent yesterday, and I may not be old enough to complain.
AARP has good info about what to do if you feel you have been discriminated against due to age.
Here is their checklist to determine if you have been a victim of age discrimination:
- The employer wanted a younger-looking person to do the job so you weren't hired.
- First, your boss wouldn't let you take some training courses. Then you got a poor job evaluation because you weren't "flexible" in taking on new assignments.
- Money was tight, so your boss fired you in order to keep younger workers who are paid less.
- Your employer gave you undeserved poor performance evaluations and then used your "record" of poor performance to justify firing or demoting you.
- Your boss turned you down for a promotion. Instead, he hired someone from the outside who was younger because the company says it "needs new blood."
The law prohibiting age discrimination is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). But you have to be I don't qualify.
According to the AARP article, ADEA forbids:
- Job ads or recruitment materials cannot mention age or say that a certain age is preferred.
- Programs cannot set age limits for their trainees.
- Age can not be a factor in making any decisions about workers. This includes decisions about hiring, pay, promotions, or layoffs.
- Employers cannot take action against workers who file a charge of age discrimination or who participate in any ADEA process.
- With a few exceptions, employers cannot force employees to retire at a certain age.
05:56 am
Wednesday July 20, 2005
posted by gmminks
Old Posts about layoffs and corresponding outsourcing
Since my elected officials have introduced a bill to investigate how outsourcing has affected people in the Bay State, I thought it would be a good time to do a flashback to some of the posts about layoffs in Massachusetts that correspond with hiring in other countries.
05:47 am
posted by gmminks
Tuesday July 19, 2005
Illegal Job Ad
I keep my Monster Resume updated, and got this email from a recruiter today...
Can you spot why the ad is illegal? I have a call in to the EEOC. I am going to file a formal complaint. I'll keep y'all posted.
We received your resume from If interested please send your updated cv with hourly rate and avialability.
The Job profile is as follows:- System Administrator --------------------- Project Server and the Project WebAccess (PWA) environment Responsibilities: database backups and restores; support and implement architectural improvements; coordination and implementation of enhancements - includes development of, new reports, new views, new functionality; user support (tier 2); maintain system health; plan and implement updates and patches to Project Serverprepare weekly team and BU forecast reports; troubleshoot system issues; maintain resource pool for PWA (new users, etc.) Skills - Required: SQL server 2000 - query analyzer, server manager, OLAP analysis manager; familiar with Citrix environments; Microsoft windows Server (2000/2003) administration; Microsoft Project server and desktop, Skills - Nice to have: IIS web services, familiar with Centerpiece generations, phases, and resource teams
Yr. of Experience : 4 - 6 years Hourly Rate : 30 - 34 US$ Location :USA , Minneapolis
We need the following details :
1. Updated Resume 2. Total Years of Expeerience 3. Date of Birth 4. Last educational Qualification : Year : 5. Lead time to join 6. Convenient time for Interview :
In case you require any more clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with me or let me know your convenient time to call you.
Thanks & Regards,
Sabya 2900 Gordon Avenue, Suite 100 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Tel: 408-404-7100 ext-923 Fax: 408-273-6980 Visit us
07:51 pm
Tuesday July 19, 2005
posted by gmminks
Contact MASS Reps about the Outsourcing Bills
I am often asked what can be done about the Outsourcing/H1B visa issue.
My honest opinion is you need to work locally to solve this issue. If you live in Massachusetts, here is your chance.
Legislation Pending on Stopping Outsourcing of work done on State Contracts and what you can do to help it's passage
I. Background
The Massachusetts State Legislature is once again considering legislation to stop companies receiving state contracts from outsourcing the work abroad.
Last year such legislation sponsored by Senator Jack Hart (D-Boston) was passed as an amendment attached to the state budget. However, Governor Romney vetoed it and then House Speaker Finneran did not allow it to come up for an override vote.
Senator Hart's bill is numbered Senate Bill 1742 (see the text of the bill below). This bill would prohibit companies getting state contracts from outsourcing the work abroad.
Rep. Marie Parente(D-Milford) and Senators Moore and Wilkerson and Representatives Spiliotis, Harkins, L'Italien, Canavan, Smizik, Tehan, and Candaras have filed House 1645to estabilish a study commission to study the use off-shore outsourcing of state contracts. While this is a positive bill too, Senator Hart's bill goes further by prohibiting this now if it were passed.
II. What you can do to help
1. Send a letter to the Co-Chairs of the Committee on State Administration which held a hearing on these bills on Monday and will decided whether to recommend their passage.
Send letters to: Representative Antonio Cabral, House Chair Senator Diane Wilkerson, Senate Chair Committee on State Adminstration State House Room 22 Boston, MA 02133
2. Send a letter or call your own state represenative and state senator and ask them to support Senate Bil 1742 by speaking to the Committee chairs, Represenative Cabral and Senator Wilkerson about their support for this bill.
You can reach state legislators through the State House switchboard at (617) 722-2000 or write them at State House, Boston, MA 02133
You can find out the names of your state legislators by calling your City Hall or Town Hall Elections Department or through the web site www.
3. Please send this or a revised version to other people, unions, organizations that might also support it.
Thank you.
Lew Finfer Organizing and Leadership Training Center 1773 Dorchester Avenue Boston, MA 02124 (617) 822-1499
Senate Bill 1742 filed by Senators Jack Hart, Marc Pacheco, and Representative Martin Walsh and others.
An Act Relative to Privatization Contracts
The first paragraph of section 54 of chapter 7 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2002 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (1) the following paragraph:- The agency shall prepare a written statement that the services proposed to be the subject of the privatization contract shall not be performed outside the territorial limits of the United States. A privatization contract and a subsequent agreement, including an agreement resulting from a rebidding of previously privatized service or an agreement renewing or extending a privatization contract shall include: (a) a provision prohibiting the person awarded the contract from performing any portion of the services proposed to be the subject of the privatization contract outside the territorial limits of the United States;
(b) a provision prohibiting the person awarded the contract from entering into a subcontract with any person that will perform any portion of the services proposed to be the subject of the privatization contract outside the territorial limits of the United States.
My elected officials are Representative Parente and Senator Moore. This is your chance to make your voice heard!
Technorati Tag: outsourcing
07:41 pm
posted by gmminks
Monday July 18, 2005
didn't get this till this morning, please call your reps!
The bills sponsored by Senator Hard and Rep. Parente (see below) deal with outsourcing.
Hearing on bills on outsourcing is Monday July 18 at 10:30 AM, Room B1 State House. Write letters to your own legislators and the committee chairman c/o State House, Boston, MA 02133
Room 22 State House Boston, MA 02133 Telephone: (617) 2-2140
It shall be the duty of the committee on State Regulatory Oversight to consider all matters concerning competitive bidding on public contracts, public construction open meeting laws, state regulations, state agencies, lobbyists' reporting laws and such other matters as may be referred.
Members appointed to the committee:
Wilkerson of Second Suffolk Creedon of Second Plymouth and Bristol Fargo of Third Middlesex Tolman of Second Suffolk and Middlesex Tisei of Middlesex and Essex
Cabral of New Bedford Festa of Melrose Parente of Milford Fagan of Taunton Garry of Dracut Keenan of Southwick Linsky of Natick Nyman of Hanover Falzone of Saugus Humason of Westfield Poirier of North Attleborough
Committee on State Administration AND REGULATORY OVERSIGHT Public Hearing to be held in Room B-1 at 10:30 A.M.
Senate, No. 1742 Petition of John A. Hart, Jr., Marc R. Pacheco, Byron Rushing, Martin J. Walsh, other members of the General Court and others for legislation relative to privatization contracts. Senate, No. 1760 Petition of Richard T. Moore and Edward G. Connolly for legislation to enhance procurement expertise. Senate, No. 1772 Petition of Marc R. Pacheco and Mary Richard, president, MOSES, for legislation relative to MWRA employees. Senate, No. 1774 Petition of Marc R. Pacheco for legislation to authorize a governmental body to enter into contracts for the operation and maintenance, lease or sale and modification of water storage and treatment facilities and wastewater treatment facilities, collection and distribution systems, sewers and pump stations. Senate, No. 1784 Petition of Steven A. Tolman for legislation to regulate emergency contracts. Senate, No. 1787 Petition of Marian Walsh and Martha M. Walz for legislation relative to vehicular rental transaction contracts in the city of Boston. Senate, No. 1788 Petition of Dianne Wilkerson and Steven A. Tolman for legislation to require disclosure of locations and conditions of manufacture of services and supplies furnished to the Commonwealth. House, No. 5 So much of the recommendations of the Office of the Inspector General (House, No. 3) as relates to enabling municipalities to utilize reverse auctions. House, No. 7 So much of the recommendations of the Office of the Inspector General (House, No. 3) as relates to repealing tow exemption. House, No. 1645 Petition of Marie J. Parente and others relative to establishing a special commission (including members of the General Court) to make an investigation and study of the use of off-shore outsourcing of labor in state contracts. House, No. 1646 Petition of Karyn E. Polito and Shirley Gomes relative to bidding on public contracts. House, No. 1651 Petition of Mark J. Carron and others relative to limiting the duration terms on state funded private contracts. House, No. 1657 Petition of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and Steven C. Panagiotakos relative to fees charged by intermediaries procuring public contracts. House, No. 1658 Petition of Geoffrey D. Hall and A. Joseph DeNucci relative to vendor contracts access by the State Auditor. House, No. 1659 Petition of Geoffrey D. Hall and Steven C. Panagiotakos relative to the procurement of public contracts in the Commonwealth. House, No. 1660 Petition of Geoffrey D. Hall and Steven C. Panagiotakos for legislation to regulate bids and requests for proposals for public contracts in the Commonwealth. House, No. 2900 Petition of Marie J. Parente and Joyce A. Spiliotis for an investigation and study by a special commission (including members of the General Court) relative to the effect of privatization on the delivery of human services. House, No. 3247 Petition of Vincent A. Pedone relative to the improvement of energy conservation in the Commonwealth. House, No. 3248 Petition of John J. Binienda for legislation to increase the term of years in the awarding of contracts for energy management services. House, No. 3456 Petition of Martin J. Walsh and Brian P. Wallace relative to the hourly rate of pay for employees in the subcontracting of transportation services by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. House, No. 3457 Petition of Martin J. Walsh that employees of the Water Resources Authority be subject to provisions of the privatization statutes. House, No. 3462 Petition of Marie J. Parente for legislation to prohibit certain officers of non-profit agencies who contract with the Commonwealth from receiving financial benefits. House, No. 3471 Petition of Robert K. Coughlin relative to exempting fire and ambulance apparatus from the biddingslaws. House, No. 3473 Petition of Jay R. Kaufman and others for legislation to require the disclosure of locations and conditions of manufacture, distribution and sale of products and of services furnished to the Commonwealth. House, No. 3487 Petition of Mark V. Falzone that employees of the Water Resources Authority be subject to the provisions of the privatization statutes. House, No. 3492 Petition of J. James Marzilli, Jr., and others relative to the public bidding by charter schools. House, No. 3495 Petition of James H. Fagan for legislation to further regulate purchasing practices of procurement officers in the Commonwealth or its political subdivisions. House, No. 3498 Petition of Mark J. Carron and Richard T. Moore that the State Office on Minority and Women Business Assistance be prohibited from recognizing minority businesses from non-reciprocating states. House, No. 3500 Petition of Michael F. Rush for legislation to provide a system of trademark registration and protection. House, No. 3508 Petition of Paul Kujawski for legislation to require certification of the authority of public officials to bind cities and towns by contract. House, No. 3511 Petition of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to regulating the privatization of certain public services. House, No. 3521 Petition of Byron Rushing and others for legislation to provide for the protection of tropical rain forests by restricting purchases by the Commonwealth of certain wood products. House, No. 3622 Petition of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to the procurement of wastewater treatment and disposal services. House, No. 4027 Petition of Mark J. Carron and Marie J. Parente relative to the contracting of engineering services of the Highway Department.
07:44 am
Monday July 18, 2005
posted by gmminks
Saturday July 16, 2005
Is Harris Miller joking?
Congress is writing legislation that requires companies to notify customers if data has been compromised or stolen.
According to
The Identity Theft Protection Act (S.B. 1408), co-sponsored by Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Hawaiian Democrat Daniel Inouye, the ranking member of the Commerce Committee, requires companies, government agencies and educational institutions to disclose to consumers breaches of both encrypted and unencrypted data and imposes fines of up to $11 million for violators.
But the ITAA thinks this should not apply if the data is encrypted.
According to the oh-so-technical Harris Miller:
Using strong encryption to protect consumer records makes it extremely unlikely that all but the most determined and technologically sophisticated criminal will attempt to breach them," Harris Miller, president of the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) said earlier this year.
Friday, Miller said in an e-mail statement to, "We support a national breach notification law, but not one that fails to recognize the power of technology. Data that are stolen that are encrypted or otherwise protected from prying eyes should be exempt from any notification requirements.
So, tons of people out of work, that could be put to work locking down systems. Private data stolen without customers ever knowing about it. And the IT Association of America thinks this bill is too restrictive.
09:52 am
Saturday July 16, 2005
posted by gmminks
interesting spam
got an interesting spam from today.
They are located here:
Customer Support H1 Base, Inc 16454 Redington Drive Redington Beach, FL 33708
In the USA, call Toll Free: 1-877-270-3543
From the spam:
Section 1 ~ How to Change Your Status from F1 to H1B Visa
Section 2 ~ International Students: how YOU can Find H1B JOBS & Sponsorship click here >
Section 3 ~ Universities: how to help your International Students find H1B Jobs & Sponsorship
Life after Graduation - H1 Base, Inc is dedicated to helping and educating International Students / Graduates realize and overcome many of the issues and obstacles they face in order to remain in the USA 'after-graduation'.
With the launch of H1 Base "International Graduate Solutions Center" over four (4) years ago - we have continually expanded our services to offer a wealth of services, information, resources and tailor-made H1B solutions to help you learn how to successfully find H1B Visa Jobs and Sponsorship - to stay in the USA.
I hope foreigners are smart enough to know that these people are most likely scam artists.
09:45 am
posted by gmminks
Sunday July 10, 2005
heads up to the techies at Verizon
according to wikipedia....
Verizon has already begun a long-term strategy of offshoring all information technology jobs to its Indian subsidiary, VDSI, as a cost-cutting measure. Verizon CIO, Shaygan Kheradpir, has a ruthless reputation for driving down costs through a combination of playing vendors against one another during contract negotiations, using a high percentage of H1B immigrant labor who will charge much less than U.S. citizens, and proposing project timelines which require 55+ hour weeks while not allowing any contractor to charge more than 40 hours a week.
I don't use them as an ISP (thank goodness), but I do use them for phone service. SIGH. gotta start shopping that too.
Technorati tag: [outsource]
08:45 pm
Sunday July 10, 2005
posted by gmminks
sent in by a reader
This review of Ron Hira's book is in the Globe today. An interesting tidbit from the article:
The Hiras compiled a stunning chart of major corporations' employment in India alone: Cognizant 13,000; Hewlett-Packard 10,000; Oracle 6,000; IBM 6,000; and General Electric 2,500. Even Perot-founded EDS employs 1,500 there. Companies are reluctant to acknowledge publicly that one job in India often comes at the cost of one US job. They argue the Bangalore office serves customers in nearby Asian markets.
The book is entitled Outsourcing America: What's Behind Our National Crisis And How We Can Reclaim American Jobs.
Technorati tag:[outsourcing]
07:54 pm
posted by gmminks
Illegal job ads
Haven't done this in a while........
IT Consultants for USA ( H1B)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: Date: 2005-06-10, 2:57AM IST
IT Consultants for USA H1B Sponsor
SamcoSys the technology services division of HamaraGuide, Inc., based in New York, USA offers technology consulting services, solutions and products to clients in diversified areas including education, healthcare and financial services. In association with our partners in Chennai, India, we also offer high-quality offshore services and back office services. Managed by a team of technology professionals, SamcoSys values professional skills and experience.
We have been retained by a consulting client based in the USA to recruit IT professionals with 2+ years of experience in the following areas for openings in the USA. Short-listed candidates will have technical assessment and final interview by the client. In order to avail the H1B quota for 2005, you must be able to submit necessary documents a.s.a.p. If you already have a work visa, we may consider transferring the visa.
Major skills:
.Net and other Microsoft technologies including C#, Biztalk and Sharepoint.
Java, J2EE, JSP, EJB, Struts, Servlets, C++ with Hibernate, Security Transactions Gateway, Socket , Web Security, Firewall, Encryption , etc.,
Web development with XML, XSLT, Websphere Commerce suite developer, Websphere / Weblogic admin / developers
Database Developers/DBA/Architects in Oracle, MS-SQL Server, Cache, Documentum
SAP, Siebel, Oracle Apps, PeopleSoft and other ERP.
Solaris/Linux/Unix/Windows/DB/Networking Admins
Business Analysts
Other specialized skills and domain experience
Qualifications: You must have a 4+ years computer related degree and at least 2 years of professional experience. Certification will be a plus for all openings.
Please send in your resume to: indicating the position title in the email subject.
SamcoSys is the Technology Services Division of HamaraGuide, Inc., New York an equal opportunity employer.
(Please forward this posting to your friends who may qualify for the positions.)
Technorati tag: [h1b]
09:33 am
posted by gmminks
Every country gets their own visa!
Why bother with the H-1B visa category, which was created by the elected legislative body of the [soverign nation] US?
Hammer out a free trade agreement, and get a visa category just for people from your own country!
Austrailia did it.
Looks like that is what India is setting up to do as well.
Nice. Make it so the workers in the US cannot compete on their own soil. Bring over workers who, because of their temporary work status, will be exploited.
Who wins in this scenario? Certainly not the little guy.
Technorati tag: [h1b]
07:51 am
posted by gmminks
Saturday July 9, 2005
how to tell if your contractor uses illegal aliens.
from a VDARE post:
I thought you needed some enlightenment, so the following is an actual, nearly word-for-word record conversation I had recently while filling my gas tank in Danbury, Connecticut.
At the next pump, a fellow was filling his truck's tank. On the door was the name of a landscaping business. I asked him if competition from competitors who hire illegal aliens was damaging his business.
With not another word from me, his volunteered response was:
"No, I used to get 'em through a contractor at $30.00 per hour. He'd get fifteen and they'd get fifteen. Then he disappeared. Now I get 'em direct. Fifteen per hour is a lot to pay for someone who doesn't speak English, doesn't have a social security card, isn't paying taxes and is here illegally."
so, not only is he displacing poor Americans who have to work 2 and 3 part time jobs to be poor, he thinks he is paying the illegal aliens too much!
ASK before you hire contractors! Do not reward these slave traders with jobs.
Technorati tag: [Illegal immigration]
06:27 am
Saturday July 9, 2005
posted by gmminks
Buy American!

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Onshore Alternatives
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admin at displaced